12/05/2022 / By Lance D Johnson
New legislation coming out of British Columbia (BC) targets and JAILS doctors who do not go along with forced injections and other nefarious mass murdering narratives that have been pushed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Bill 36, the Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA), gives the Health Minister dictatorial power to fine and suspend doctors who are merely accused of spreading “false or misleading information to patients or the public.” The Health Minister may appoint College Boards to enforce the bill’s provisions. The Health Minister can even order healthcare professionals to be JAILED for going against government and pharmaceutical narratives. The bill also codifies an end to body autonomy rights, forcing all healthcare professionals to take injections against their will. In Section 200 (“Eligibility to practise”) doctors can be forced to take any number of vaccines, including but not limited to the current covid-19 vaccine death schedule.
During the covid-19 scandal, doctors across Canada opposed the restrictions and human rights violations dictated by the government. State-sanctioned medical authorities took on the resistance by threatening to suspend physicians’ licenses if they “put the public at risk with misinformation.” Now these state-sanctioned medical authorities are threatening doctors with new legislation that includes two-year jail sentences for daring to speak against the lies and the mass genocide. Section 514 defines (“Offences”) and Section 518 defines (“Penalties”). These sections permit fines of up $200,000 per individual or $500,000 per company, with a prison sentence of up to two years for “knowingly” dispensing “misinformation.”
The Bill does not even define “false or misleading information.” This means that doctors will be suspended and jailed for sharing information that challenges the current restrictions and human rights abuses. By jailing doctors, the criminals in power will be able to stop the truth in its tracks, scaring the most courageous professionals from ever bringing forth the truth. Throughout the covid-19 scandal, the criminals in power were able to target the truth as “misinformation” but the truth would eventually break through as healthcare professionals slowly stepped forward. If the evil ones can jail the truth tellers, then the truth will be submitted to fear, and everyone will be afraid for their life. Governments should not be terrorizing doctors and locking them up for speaking the truth.
In Section 259 (Summary protection orders) healthcare professionals are warned that they can be suspended or be subject to restrictions on their practice if they provide “false or misleading information to patients or the public” and it’s deemed that “a person who acts on the information is [subject to] significant risk of harm.” Furthermore, healthcare professionals can be targeted if they provide information that is deemed to be a “health hazard” as defined in the Public Health Act.
According to the Public Health Act, a health hazard is anything that is “likely to interfere with the suppression of infectious agents or hazardous agents.” This means that doctors will not be able to criticize so-called vaccines, ineffective treatments, face masks, PCR tests, antibody tests, thermal surveillance, social isolation, lateral flow tests, family restrictions, gathering restrictions, anal swabs, lockdowns, quarantine camps, or any other destructive means of population control.
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms wrote a statement on Bill 36 and declared: “The legislation represents an end run around democratic checks and balances.”
BC lawyer, Charlene Le Beau, spoke against the bill: “The enactment of Bill 36 would evidence a further erosion of the rights and freedoms our Charter is supposed to protect, particularly individual liberty. As Aristotle posited, ‘The basis of a democratic state is liberty.’”
The bill is “a full-frontal assault on the professional integrity and freedom of the health-care professions” said David Leis, the vice president of engagement and development at the public policy think tank the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.
More and more healthcare professionals are speaking out, because time is running out. Health freedom, truth, and justice must prevail in the fight against medical tyranny, medical censorship, medical fraud, and the mass murder by bioweapons and so-called vaccines.
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Tagged Under:
British Columbia, Censored Science, Censorship, deadly narratives, forced injections, genocide, health freedom, justice, lies, mass murder, medical censorship, medical fascism, medical fraud, medical freedom, medical police state, Medical Tyranny, medical violence, misinformation, persecution, population control, truth, unlawful mandates, unlawful orders, wef, WHO
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